Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Praying for our Husbands

Something I've always wanted to do was to pray for Jon in a specific manner but I normally end up praying something like, "Lord, please be with Jon today with whatever he needs."  I came across a great idea on Better Life Bags to make a flip book to pray for my husband.   Rebecca has made 31 days of prayer cards and has a tutorial to make a neat homemade flip book.  Surprisingly it was really simple to make.  I made a few changes and used contact paper to cover my cards and temporarily have ribbon tying them onto the book.  Binder rings escaped me at the store so ribbon was a great stand-in.  Here is the final product! 

If you'd like to make one for your husband, go to Better Life Bags and either become a fan of the blog or like Better Life Bags on Facebook.  Send a message to Rebecca and she'll email you the cards.  They are gorgeous and have Bible verses to go along with the topic.  This is a perfect reminder to pray for our husbands in the New Year!