Baby Signing Time
Baby Signing Time
is a DVD I have been wanting to watch with Sweetpea and Buddy but was unable to find it at our library. A great friend found out that we wanted to preview it before buying, loaned me her copy. Sweetpea, Buddy, and I sat down to watch and it was a great educational movie.
Baby Signing Time
is learning DVD to help teach babies and young children various signs using music and actual signing babies. A little warning to parents, the songs are very catchy. After watching the DVD once, Buddy was signing several new signs and singing the songs. The first section is about food and eating which completely sidetracked Sweetpea because as soon as a picture of a banana appeared,she crawled to her highchair and pointed to our bananas. She spent most of the rest of the movie eating her banana and watching. She was not very interested until the babies would come on screen and Sweetpea would wave at the screen and say 'hi!'.
If you are looking for resources to help you teach your child sign language in a fun and engaging manner, I recommend trying Baby Signing Time. Between the music, the babies who sign, and the host, Rachel Coleman, children will love this movie as a first step into signing.
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