Saturday, January 14, 2012

Hello Mornings: Inspired to Action

One of the most dreaded things that I've decided to do is take the Hello Mornings Challenge from Inspired to Action.  A friend challenged me to do this with her and I almost did not join.  The challenge begins Monday and I'm pretty nervous.  Basically the challenge is to wake up early before your children to complete Bible reading and prayer time, exercise, and shower.  While I normally resolve to do this every year, it normally only lasts a day or two.  I absolutely hate waking up early! 
By joining with everyone in the Hello Mornings group, I am hoping to stay accountable and encouraged until waking early becomes a habit.  My goal is to wake up around 6 a.m. to be ready to face the day before Buddy and Sweetpea wake up at 7:00.  Hopefully this will lead to smoother mornings and more consistent exercise and Bible Study.  It will be interesting to see how this goes but I'm willing to give it a try!
If you are looking for a way to change your habits and wake before your children, check out Inspired to Action for awesome tips and the e-book Maximize Your Mornings.  My favorite part of the e-book is the printable forms and charts to help plan out my quiet time and work out goals. 

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