Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Fingerpainting with Babies

I've seen a lot of blogs and articles about letting your baby paint for craft time but haven't had the chance to try it with Sweetpea.  She is not ready for real paint yet because everything still goes straight into her mouth so, instead, I let her paint with baby food.  Sweetpea had a blast and was completely covered by the end but the smile on her face was worth every second of clean up time.  Here are a few photos of our painting experience. 

If I were to do it again, I'd tape the paper down because she kept trying to eat the paper and it ended up all crinkly.  I just eventually threw it away and let her paint on the tray. 

Sweetpea had fun swirling it around and seeing how far she could sling it across the tray.

Having fun!

If you have a baby who wants to join in at craft time or maybe you just want to help them create, fingerpainting was really fun.  Depending on what foods they have been introduced to, lots of different colors can be used.  For older children, chocolate pudding would be really tasty! 

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